Inspirational speeches and workshops for large audiences

Best speeches on leadership, growth, change and innovation

Delivered either face-to-face, online, or hybrid

Deep understanding of today’s business environment

Perfect customization to your industry and target audience

Fully tailored to the context and scenario of your event

Good energy, easy-going atmosphere and naturality

Interactions, short experiments, and dialogue with the audience

Delivery in Polish or English


Over 20 years of experience

Business speaker since 1997, so far invited to over 1000 events for audiences of several dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people.

Follower of the latest trends

A long-standing and active member of international business associations, with direct access to the most recent research.

Extraordinary reviews

Voted the best speaker at many congresses in Poland, Europe and the USA; winner of independent rankings and lists of the best conference business speakers.

Presence in media

Authored over 60 articles, gave ca. 40 interviews, invited as an expert by business TV channels.

Author of four business bestsellers

“The Leader’s Journey” (on leadership), “The Business Rollercoaster” (on openness, change, and innovation), “OK, I buy it!” (on sales and customer service), and “SISU—Boost Your Grit and Resilience” (on coping with obstacles and challenges).

Business education

A graduate of the prestigious Warsaw School of Economics with two fields of studies, each completed with distinction.


Power speech

Direct event (face to face)
Duration: up to 90 minutes
Group size: unlimited

Power webinar

Online event
Duration: up to 75 minut
Group size: unlimited


Direct event (face to face)
Duration: 180-240 minutes

Group size: up to 120 people

Elite online workshops

Online event
Duration: 180 minut
Group size: up to 10 managers


The acronym VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) was coined over a quarter of a century ago. Regardless of COVID-19, we all have been living in a world of fast change and information overload; technology changes the world at a lightning pace. Mergers, acquisitions, and transformations have become the bread and butter of each company. Leaders try to convert dispersed, remote workers into cohesive teams. Meanwhile, contrary to their pledges, most employees resist the never-ending changes and cry over the “old, good times.” That is why leaders need to redefine their roles.

Perfect for: experienced leaders managing teams in a dynamic, changing environment.

  • Make them UNFREEZE: Replace destructive fears and panic with a constructive will to act.
  • Make them FOCUS: Establish a simple, crystal-clear compass in a chaotic environment.
  • Make them COHERENT: Turn your team into a supportive, coordinated commando, resistant to turbulence.
  • Make them STRIVE: Instead of special treatment, provide them with specific expectations and fair consequences.
  • Make them UNSHATTERED: Do not let the naysayers spoil the energy and destroy the team from within.
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It is not an art to manage teams in peaceful, predictable times. It is in troubled waters that your mission as a boss becomes more important than ever. When people experience shocks and uncertainties, they stick out their social antennae and carefully scrutinize authorities in the search for support and guidance. In the face of sudden, unprecedented turmoil, people expect a confident, courageous, and fair leader. Leaders should learn 10 simple practices, organized in an easy-to-remember “DPO” algorithm: direction, protection, and order.

Perfect for: managers facing sudden turbulences and a sense of danger within teams.

  • Direction: ALTERNATIVE GOAL: Find and communicate new short-term coordinates.
  • Direction: FROM STAGNATION TO ACTION: Help overcome fears and reduce rumors.
  • Direction: NO CHIPPING AND PAINTING: Get rid of mundane, low-value activities.
  • Protection: FOCUS ON SAFETY: Make health an absolute priority for everyone.
  • Protection:SECURITY FOR BUSINESS: Boost joint responsibility for the present and future of the company.
  • Protection:ENCLAVES OF STABILITY: Create solid, familiar footholds.
  • Protection:TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF: Put on your oxygen mask first before helping others.
  • Order: HUMAN, YET DEMANDING: Trust is not at odds with control.
  • Order: LEADER SOMETIMES WALKS ALONE: Make a bold decision and do not hide behind the “team’s opinion” or “higher instance.”
  • Order: KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR DEFEATISTS: React quickly and help them get a grip.
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Here is a dynamic speech fostering entrepreneurship and building a startup culture in a large organization. How to break with the sit-and-wait approach and bureaucratic constraints, in favor of a climate of empowerment, initiative, and autonomy? How to turn each expert into a mini-GM in the field they are responsible for? The speech can be delivered from a managerial perspective (stimulating proactivity in a team) or a general perspective (taking courage and self-agency in everyday performance). Participants receive a handful of pragmatic hints and best practices from effective business people and leaders.

Perfect for: Organizations looking to foster ownership and break down the corporate hierarchies.

  • PERSONAL COURAGE: You can spend the whole life in a safe corner office; but is that really the point?
  • OWNERSHIP: What decision would you make if 100% of shares of this company were yours?
  • CONSTRUCTIVE WHISTLEBLOWING: The decision-makers don’t listen to naysayers; they listen to those who are committed and effective in day-to-day performance.
  • FORMING A COALITION: Beware of the syndrome of being “the only righteous guy in the whole World”; you can’t do much on your own.
  • FOLLOWERSHIP: When you find a lone nut doing something great, have the guts to be the first person to applaud and join.
  • PROACTIVITY WITHOUT BRAVADO AND UNSANCTIONED ACTION: Explain what you are going to do and give a brief justification.
  • TRUST DOES NOT EXCLUDE CONTROL: Don’t abuse the trust of others – and don’t let someone abuse your trust.
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Sisu is a unique Finnish word that means resilience, inner strength, and tenacity in the face of adversity. In the volatile, uncertain business environment, sisu grows into a key competence of the 21st century. “Sisu” is also the title of Szymon’s fourth best-selling book. Learn how your sisu is determined by your personal hardware (genes and personality), software (beliefs and attitudes), and helpdesk (people around you). Increase your ability to cope with unexpected difficulties in business and private life. Regain a sense of agency and hope for a better tomorrow.

Perfect for: everyone facing challenges and unforeseen difficulties, that is, 99% of people on the globe.

  • Your HARDWARE (genes and personality): Why are some people driven by crises and adversities to act, while others feel completely paralyzed? Why do some wallow in misery, while others just do their things?
  • Your OPERATING SYSTEM (beliefs and attitudes): How can you permanently shift your mindset in such a way as to boost optimism, proactiveness, and self-esteem?
  • Your APPS (ad-hoc “software” that you use in a moment of trial): How can you keep “mental diarrhea” under control and maintain a healthy distance? Why (and when) can a storm be a real blessing in disguise?
  • Your HELPDESK (impact of people around you): Is sisu (or the lack of it) contagious? How can you obtain support from others? Sometimes, why does everyone need not only cuddles but also a hit right between the eyes delivered by a sympathetic friend?
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Teamwork is often perceived as a well-rounded catch phrase that should lead to a sugary “culture of love”, illusory consent among functions, and sweeping conflicts under the rug. It’s time to take a down-to-earth look at healthy partnership and cooperation. The scenario of the speech is based on the “dysfunction / antidote” scheme and will be customized to the challenges in your organization. Szymon introduces funny labels for the most common pathologies, which in the future will make each participant think twice before they go for similar, toxic patterns in their contacts with others.

Perfect for: Employees representing different functions and perspectives, yet working on joint goals and projects.

  • Down with “appanage principalities”: Focus on the ultimate common goal, not on your function or expertise.
  • Down with a boring meeting cycle: Introduce a culture of dynamic stand-ups and energetic briefings.
  • Down with questioning the decisions taken: Disagree and commit; when time for debate is over, it’s time for disciplined action, without dissent.
  • Down with escalating problems: Instead of triggering an e-mail “eye for an eye” argument, grab the phone and solve the problem in two minutes.
  • Down with childish mockery: React strongly to sarcasm, irony and making fun of other teams.
  • Down with easy biases and stay-by-the-coast personality: Dare to sail offshore, meet the dragons.
  • Down with workplace gossip: Avoid sharing sensitive information; what happens in the changing room stays in the changing room.
  • Down with hypocrisy: Call things by their name; say just the same things in formal meetings and in back rooms.
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A modern organization is a very complex system; it is no longer a predictable, hierarchical structure. Moreover, black swans (sudden events with vital consequences) each year make us move through unfamiliar territories. We are constantly surprised, and the effects of our actions are difficult to predict. Market pressure is already stronger than ever, but it will become even more acute in the forthcoming years. The dust will not settle, and chaos will intensify. Take a dose of safe, yet effective, inspirational pills that will allow you to cope effectively in a crazy world.

Perfect for: teams operating in a changing, disturbing, and unpredictable business reality.

  • WELCOME TO THE VUCA WORLD: Get ready for a rollercoaster ride.
  • ZOOM OUT: Get the right perspective on things that bother you.
  • SCENARIO THINKING: Do not stick to one and only option; consider at least three possible visions of the future.
  • FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN CONTROL: Accept the things you cannot change, have the courage to change the things you can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
  • TWENTY-MILE MARCH: The more confusing the environment is, the more regular and rhythmic your daily performance should be.
  • CUT OFF FRINGES FROM YOUR KID’S BIKE: Reduce activities that do not contribute to the core of what you do.
  • EMOTIONAL RAINCOAT: Detach yourself from rumors and exciting gossip.
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While most of us yearn for a meaningful and simple life, we easily get distracted and make things even more complicated. The complex business environment overwhelms teams and evokes the permanent feeling of chaos. Embrace the energetic and simple value of simplicity (no pun intended), which has become one of the major values in the twenty-first century. How can we embrace an overly complicated reality? How to focus on things which really matter? How to reduce or even get rid of things which are redundant? How to simplify communication and collaboration? Look at simplicity as the ultimate form of sophistication, yet remember that simplicity and complexity complement each other.

Perfect for: Organizations and teams overloaded with impulses, projects and priorities.

  • Simple organization. Follow Ockham’s razor principle wherever you can.
  • Simple project. If you put multiple threads into one initiative, you will not simplify anything.
  • Simple innovation. Why is a wheeled suitcase better than a robotic lunar rover?
  • Simple plan. Build a crystal-clear compass for the months to come – and stick to it.
  • Simple implementation. Less is more, so find just one good lever to start with.
  • Simple offer. When are customers willing to pay more for clarity and simplicity?
  • Simple words. How to simplify communication inside and outside the organization?
  • Simple algorithms. Make the most important things easy to grasp and remember.
  • Simple living is a good living. Get rid of useless stuff from your wardrobe and your life.
  • Tolerance to complexity. Some things should not be – or cannot be simplified.
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A failure or a major mistake can make us stronger – or clip our wings for years. Yet, as Joseph Conrad once said, it’s only those who do nothing that make no mistakes. Learn from errors and setbacks with help of proven tools (incl. premortem analysis, debriefing session, daily standups). Apply best practices used by winning teams and organizations. Check two common patterns of reaction to failures: neurotic (where witch hunting and blaming intertwine with sweeping vital signals under the rug) and constructive. Boost the culture of learning from your own (or even better: other people’s) faults. Apply a simple typology of failures, as we shouldn’t tar all fiascos and mistakes with the same brush.

Perfect for: teams who wish to approach failures and mistakes openly and fruitfully.

  • Blunder is blunder. Avoid glorifying fiascos; have guts to call a spade a spade.
  • Down with silos. Why do narrow specialization and weak cross-functional bonds lead to bizarre, costly mistakes?
  • Daily pulse. Many failures are preceded by symptoms, which we can spot well ahead.
  • Prevent instead of cure. Some flaws can be easily prevented and avoided.
  • The power of debriefing. Take two hours to draw conclusions, in order to save dozens of hours on your next project.
  • Shit happens. Don’t blame and don’t escalate; some failures stem from unfavorable coincidence.
  • Dare to experiment. Two steps forward, one step back – a great success often begins with a series of controlled defeats.
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For many employees, development is all about formal training. They expect someone to provide them with a crystal-clear career path and adequate learning opportunities. Meanwhile, each of us plays different roles, has different skills and aspirations, and eventually different learning preferences. That is why, in this case, everyone should paddle their own canoe: create the future concept for themselves and actively seek opportunities to develop. The speech is based on four non-obvious dilemmas that allow each participant to understand themselves better and find the perfect “golden mean” between the extremes and create their own development compass.

Perfect for: Employees who are too passive, skeptical or exhibit a narrow approach towards development opportunities.

  • Dilemma 1: STRUCTURE vs. NATURE. When should you take advantage of long-term, structured learning, and when is it better to just switch to individual bite-sized learning along the way?
  • Dilemma 2: SPECIFIC TRAINING vs. GENERAL TRAINING. To what extent should you focus on specific skills that are needed here and now, and to what degree should you consider general competences of the future, in order to make your professional career injury-proof?
  • Dilemma 3: GAPS vs. STRENGTHS. When (and why) should you focus on your talents and make your strengths more robust? When do you really need to bridge the gaps?
  • Dilemma 4: CLEAR GOAL vs. SPONTANEOUS JOURNEY. In a volatile environment, should you have a clear goal combined with a thorough development plan (and stick to it), or should you stay open to unexpected opportunities?
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Let’s break some myths about motivation – in a constructive way. Recent provocative research proves that catch phrases such as “do what you love, love what you do and you will never have to work again” are far from corporate realities. People look for passion where there is none and tend to believe that they should feel the flow 24/7, while the multitude of mundane tasks makes them frustrated, raising even more questions about the meaning of work. Forget the slogans and discover five energy resources for yourself; regain balance and optimism – and recharge your batteries to get ahead of the challenges around the corner.

Perfect for: Teams overwhelmed with the burden of day-to-day work or dealing with the Groundhog Day Syndrome.

  • Energy from THE CONTENT OF WORK. A delusion of continuous flow: most of the tasks we perform are (and will be) repetitive and monotonous; so let’s find the 10% that makes a special meaning.
  • Energy from ACHIEVEMENTS. The magic of small victories: when the feeling of progress and ticking off things from your checklist can galvanize you for the upcoming challenges.
  • Energy from WILLPOWER. Willpower is often more important than pure motivation based on wants and needs as long as you don’t deplete the well too soon and regularly refill it.
  • Energy from SHOCKS. The Phoenix Effect: launching a constructive fury and bouncing back after a huge crisis.
  • Energy from OTHER PEOPLE. Whom do you surround yourself with? The impact of positive warriors and destructive naysayers on your individual energy level.
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Other popular speeches:

WORDS INTO ACTIONS: perseverance and execution in business and personal life

DOING AGILE RIGHT: a lightweight introduction to Agile ways of working

WINNING IN A TOUGH MARKET: lessons from positive fighters and go-getters

FIXED OR GROWTH: two mindsets that shape your life

I AM, I HAVE, I CAN: in search of maturity, inner strength, and initiative

THE POWER OF FOUR ELEMENTS: team diversity, synergy and interdependence

THE LEADER’S JOURNEY: five fundamental questions for leaders

GREAT LEADERS IN ACTION: a fresh, pragmatic look at inspirational leadership

WHAT DO CUSTOMERS CRAVE: winning the battle for your customer’s mind

SELLING IN ROUGH SEAS: tips for selling when clients stop buying

OPEN YOUR MIND: curiosity and innovation in everyday practice

KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON: bright mind and right decisions in a volatile environment

CHANGE MASTERS: the art of communicating the hard things


Szymon has an enormous level of energy and charisma. He easily grabs people’s attention. His speeches are interesting, energetic, funny, and full of important insights. We invited Szymon twice to inspire our managers. The first time went so well that our team asked us to invite him again, saying: “I love the way he talks; he gives power and brings positive emotions.” What surprises me the most is his flexibility and deep understanding of the business environment. He is able to smoothly adjust the content with our corporate culture and business challenges, blending in with the employees.

Henri Viswat

Randstad Poland

Szymon attracts and maintains the full attention of an audience of any size, no matter if it is 10 or 500 people. His speeches are free of gibberish and pomposity. Thanks to this, everyone feels they have participated in a dialog with someone they have known for years. Szymon quotes real-life examples that make his message even more credible and comprehensible. Finally, his speeches not only offer many aha moments but also encourage people to act.

Anna Roszewska

HR Director
Canal Plus

Szymon is not just a speaker, he is THE PERSONALITY. We had several opportunities to work together in different corporations and for various teams. Szymon is far from an off-the-shelf approach; he listens carefully. Moreover, he talks about difficult—and sometimes uncomfortable—things with ease, in a light, vivid and witty manner. The result always exceeds our expectations. His message resonates for a long time, fostering optimistic mindsets and innovation. I recommend cooperation with Szymon, since he can help people become open-minded and curious, and prompts them to step out of their comfort zone. Without such an attitude, it is nearly impossible to move ahead!

Renata Prys

Director, Poland People Leader
McDonald’s Polska

Every time we invited Szymon, it was not an expense, but an investment that literally paid off before my eyes. Szymon effortlessly reaches the hearts and minds of large audiences of varying ages and expectations. How? Firstly, his speeches are dynamic, interactive and full of energy and hope. Secondly, the issues tackled by Szymon are very timely and often very serious, while his style of communication is light and witty. Thirdly, every employee takes something specific and fitting for themselves, because Szymon refers not only to business examples but also to compelling stories from everyday life. We have been working with Szymon for 12 years, but my co-workers can’t get enough. Each time, they say that they were inspired by something fresh again, and they can describe precisely what it was.

Tomasz Aramowicz

Sales Executive Director
Rockwool CEE

We have invited Szymon for both face-to-face and online events. He is full of energy, and he quotes real-life examples, uses simple language, and maintains the attention of the audience throughout the entire speech. After Szymon’s lectures, people are not only empowered, but they also remember the particular topics discussed by Szymon for a long time! Some of the examples and slogans used by Szymon became a part of our corporate language, including “flies and bees” and “it’s your ship”.

Agnieszka Barańska

Managing Marketing & Communication Director

Szymon is a common-sense guy. He reaches out to everyone by using simple words, which everybody understands. He talks about things that might seem obvious, but they are vital, yet often ignored or forgotten. Szymon has an open personality, he does not create any distance between the speaker and the audience. He makes people want to listen to him and remember what he says. You can count on the real return on investment from his speeches!

Joanna Bogdańska

Head of Research and Applied Solutions
Merck Life Science

Meetings with Szymon are totally refreshing. The business world is very complex. Achieving ambitious goals demands making tough decisions and required the perfect coordination of various aspects. To that end, Szymon knows how to simplify things and inspires us with straightforward, yet highly workable and efficient ideas.

Ewald Raben

Raben Group

I have worked with Szymon for many years. He helps us to stop and reflect, by offering us touching stories and witty examples, which are appealing to the participants and eagerly quoted afterward. Some tips suggested by Szymon have been implemented and have quickly become part of our daily business. Finally, although I have listened to Szymon on many occasions, he does not repeat himself. He surprises us each time with totally fresh content.

Małgorzata Milczarek

HR Director
Sandoz (Novartis Group)

Szymon’s speeches are a real shot in the arm for Orange managers. They restore our confidence and agency. This is because Szymon narrates his thought-provoking stories simply and funnily. These stories are tailored to the reality we work in. Szymon easily identifies the context and provides accurate content in his speech. He is dynamic, natural, and credible in everything he does.

Bożena Leśniewska

Executive VP, B2B
Orange Polska

We have been cooperating with Szymon for over 10 years. His power speeches are extremely inspiring, engaging, and energizing. They make a long-lasting impression on his audience, both on employees and our business partners. We value Szymon’s individualized approach to every event. Szymon can customize the speech according to the audience and hold their attention from the first till the very last minute.

Krzysztof Kurek

Country Business Director
Bosch Power Tools

Szymon is a fantastic speaker! Meetings with him turn into energetic and inspiring shows that exceed everyone’s expectations. His excellent contact with the audience, professional background, and charisma are undoubtedly Szymon’s greatest assets.

Łukasz Radzymiński

Sales Director
Shell Polska

Szymon’s speeches perfectly embody today’s challenges in building and reinforcing organizational culture. He tackles difficult topics with a sense of humor, with the perfect blend of being direct and pragmatic. Szymon really makes a big impact and inspires change in the organization! After meetings with him, the team feels positive energy and wants to try out new concepts and solutions.

Janusz Idczak

General Manager
Jacobs Douwe Egberts

Szymon has been inspiring our managers for years. Cooperation with him brings in several “Aha!” moments. The power of the message as well as top quality is guaranteed. Szymon is always open to the client’s needs and attentive to the participants’ reactions. He perfectly combines deep knowledge with accurate and humorous storytelling, and his speeches engage, provide energy, and have a strong call to action.

Beata Janczur

Vice-President of the Management Board
Credit Agricole Bank Polska

Szymon uses words efficiently and applies various engaging tools, and his speeches are memorable and practical. Thanks to Szymon, the participants are galvanized to think and act. They begin to ask themselves questions and dissect a specific topic to take a closer look and understand it better. It’s very refreshing—and so necessary—in these uncertain times.

Patryk Herman

HR Leader, Eastern Europe

Some of Szymon’s other Clients include:


Back at the largest HR congress in Poland

In October Szymon will be a keynote speaker at the 40th edition of the largest HR congress in Poland. Szymon will deliver his speech “KISS (Keep It Simple & Smart) – the power of simplicity in everyday life and business”. This will be Szymon’s 19th speech at this congress (the first one took place in 2001!).

Szymon @ the ATD Congress in the USA

In May 2024, Szymon gave an on-demand speech at the largest T&D convention in the USA (ATD International Conference & Expo). The speech was based on Szymon’s fourth book: “SISU: tenacity, grit, resilience”.

Adapting With Agility: brand new speech on embracing changes

In 2024, Szymon has introduced a new topic: “Adapting with Agility”. Szymon provides teams with balm for their souls, while at the same time giving them a strong impulse to embrace ambiguity constructively – and to become even more future-ready. This speech immediately became one of Szymon’s most popular speeches.


POWERSPEECH Speaking Agency (Prokop Studio)

Sebastian Prokop

Czerska 33

80-180 Gdańsk, PL

phone: +48 884 900 727


JET Training Center

Sylwia Cepko

Kopińska 31

02-327 Warsaw, PL

phone: 22 822 25 31


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